About Me

What’s going on? My name is Dylan; I am the mastermind behind this blog, and a cross country captain with a solid 4.6 GPA. I work just as hard as I run.

I am an athlete, a writer, an occasional performer, a skeptic, a philosopher, and a rising cartoonist. I can be easily tempted by procrastination, but when I get started on a project that I am passionate about, it is difficult to stop. I would like to say that I am a comprehensive learner; when I am interested in a subject, I ponder and question until I am satisfied. I enjoy making people laugh as well, and will sometimes sacrifice my pride and well-being to do so. I have found writing and doodling to be a useful tool for extracting weird ideas from my head, and some now consider me a cartoonist. I haven’t put much effort towards learning music, but I do love listening to the songs of others.

As of now, I am not as sure of my future as many of my peers seem to be. I am open to trying many different fields, from architectural-engineering to commercial-filming to novel-writing. Whatever I end up doing for a living, I hope to contribute my best to the rest of society, and leave a good impression when I am gone.

– Third Eyed Robot


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